16 years old male patient with low grade fever

 A 16 years old male patient who is a student

 presented to the opd with a cheif complaint

 of fever since three days  which is intermittent low grade and not associated with chills which is relieved on medication he also has pain in abdomen since four days which is intermittent and kf squeezing type  and also sufferjng from vomitings 2 episodes for day which is non bilious and non projectile he also has nausea an not associated with rashes 

History of present illness:

Patient is associated with low grade fever

 and is intermittent

Fever is not associated with chills and rigors 

History of past illness:

There is no history of diabetes mellitus hypertension asthma tuberculosis epilepsy

There is no history of surgery

Personal history:

Sleep adequate

Patient has no loss of  appetite

He takes mixed diet 

His bowel Ms bladder movements are normal

He has no addictions

Low socio economic status

Family history:

No history of DM, hypertension,CAD,CVA or

 similar complaints in the family

Treatment history:

No history of drug allergy 

General examination:

Patient is conscious coherent and cooperative

No pallor

No clubbing

No icterus

No cyanosis

No lymphadenopathy


Temperature -afebrile 

Pulse rate-67/min 


Systemaic examination:

Cvs- s1 s2 are heard 


No dyspnea

No wheezing

Position of trachea central 

Breath sounds vesicular 


Scalloped abdomen 

No tenderness 

No palpABle mass 

CNS:patient is conscious 

Speech normal 

Provisional diagnosis:viral pyrexia and


Secondary to NS1 positive

Hemogram - 

Liver function tests - 

NS1 antigen test - 

M. P Strip test

Serum creatinine - 

Blood urea - 

Serum electrolytes - 

Random blood sugar - 

ECG - 

Final diagnosis : 

Dengue with NS1 antigen positive


PantopraZole-40mg IV

Zofer-4mg Iv 


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