
Showing posts from November, 2021

A 38 year male patient with pain in abdomen since 4 days

 A 38 years old male patient came to opd with cheif complaint of pain in abdomen since 4 days  Patient was associated with nausea and vomiting since one week  Patient is apparently Normal 4 years back . He started consuming alochol(toddy)90ml once in three to four days  History of present illness:two years back  patient has visited local hospital with complaint of pain in abdomen and he was admitted in hospital for alocholic liver diseases and got discharged   Patient again started consuming alcohol for three months and had a similar complaints and got admitted in hospital   Ten days back patient has alcohol binge presented with pain in abdomen nausea and vomiting  Has a mild pleural effusion one month back  History of past illness:No Dm  No HTN  No EPILEPSY  No asthama  Personal history :   mixed diet  Sleep adequate  Apetite normal  Bowel n bladder movements regular  Micturition normal  Habits: alcoholic and smoking  Drug history:  Patient was not allergic to any known drugs  Family
  1.Antomical and etiology localization for hemiparesis and further management ? Etiological pathogenesis, clinical features, management, complications of acute pancraetitis?  3.Dengue Fever Clinical features and complications? 4.Cushing Syndrome? Rhuematoid arthritis? Heart failure? Ascites? Cardiogenic pulmonary edem?    Pyrexia of unknown reason? Evaluation of Lower backpain Renal artery stenosis? AkI? Oral hypoglycemic agents? Micro macrovascular of dm? Iron deficiency anemia?

75 years male patient with bipedal edema and swelling in left ingunoscrotal region

A 75 years old male patient attended to  opd with bipedal edema and facial puffines10   days ago and swelling over  the left ingunoscrotal region since one year  Patient was apparently alright 1 year back when he developed swelling in the left ingual region which was intially small in size thn grew to its current size. It intially used to reduce on lying down and increases on working  History of present illness: swelling was associated with pain which was of dragging type which developed three days before.He isn't able to reduce the swelling since three days.No complaints of constipation,no complaints of vomiting,no complaints of burning micturition and loose stools. History of past illness: he is complaing of edema which is bilateral associated with morning puffiness  No surgical history  No history of HTN/DM/ASTHMA/EPILEPSY  Personal history:  Sleep: adequate   Diet:mixed diet  Bowel: constipation  Micturition: normal Addictions:alcoholic  ,smoking Family history: no history of s

16 years old male patient with low grade fever

 A 16 years old male patient who is a student  presented to the opd with a cheif complaint  of fever since three days  which is intermittent low grade and not associated with chills which is relieved on medication he also has pain in abdomen since four days which is intermittent and kf squeezing type  and also sufferjng from vomitings 2 episodes for day which is non bilious and non projectile he also has nausea an not associated with rashes  History of present illness : Patient is associated with low grade fever  and is intermittent Fever is not associated with chills and rigors  History of past illness : There is no history of diabetes mellitus hypertension asthma tuberculosis epilepsy There is no history of surgery Personal history: Sleep adequate Patient has no loss of  appetite He takes mixed diet  His bowel Ms bladder movements are normal He has no addictions Low socio economic status Family history: No history of DM, hypertension,CAD,CVA or  similar complaints in the family Treat