
Showing posts from December, 2021

Prefinal ans sheet

11.Ascitic fluid analysis 12.Proton pump inhibitors. 13.after load reducing agents in heart failure 14.treatment of urinary tract infection 15.diiferential diagnosis of fever with rash 16.insulin therapy in dm  17.antihypertensive drugs in chronic renal failure 18.types of intracranial hemorrhage 19.criteria for diagnosing infective endocarditis  Define Cirrhosis of liver. Etiopathogenisis of cirrhosis. Write a brief note on clinical features, diagnogs and treatment of cirrhosis of liver  3.Elabirate on clinical features and diagnostic modalities in diagnosis of renal calculi  4 . Etiology of pleural effusion diagnostic criteria of pleural effusion? 5.diagnosis and treatment of dengue fever?  7.treatment of acutep pleo nephritis? 9.etiology and treatment of pnuemonia? 10.complications of dialysis ?  8 treatment of abdominal TB? 

Prefinal case history

A 50 years old male patient came to casualty with shortness of breath since 4-5 days , low backache since one week and intermittent fever not associated with chills. History of present illness: No cheif complaint of burning micturition And a known case of  chronic kidney disease since three years and on conservative management History of past illness: Known case of Hypertension since three years  Not a known case of asthma, TB ,diabetes  Personal history: adequate diet before  development of symptoms mixed diet  Regular bowel and bladder movements  Sleep adequate  Has Habit of smoking and alcohol  Family history: No family history  No cases of HTN and DM   Treatment history: previously seen by a doctor and subsides on medication  PHYSICAL EXAMINATION GENERAL   Patient is coherent, cooperative and conscious. proper nourishment and proper build is seen. pallor - Present  Icterus    - absent Lymphadenopathy- absent clubbing - absent cyanosis - absent Pedal edema  - Present  VITALS: Afeb

Case of 45 years female with lower back pain and bipedal edemA

 A 45 years old female patient attended to opd with bipedal edema and facial puffines 10 days ago and pain in the lower back region since one year and shortness of breath Patient was apparently alright 1 year back when then she developed lower back pain which is raidating. It reduces on taking medcines for one hour  and pain develops again  History of present illness: bipedal edema   and facial puffiness History of past illness: Known case of Hypertension  No history of surgeries  No asthma  No EPILEPSY  Personal history: Apetite lost  Mixed diet  Regular bowel  Abnormal micturition  Occasional alcoholic  She has Habit of  smoking Family history:No history of complaints in  the family  Treatment history:No history of drug   allergies   On general physical examination: patient is  conscious coherent and cooperative  No cyanosis Pallor present No lymphadenopathy  No icterus  No clubbing  Bi pedal edema -present  Vitals:  Temp:98  RR:18/min  PR:99/min  Bp:120/80 Systemic examination: Ca