28 years old male patient with weakness and decreased urine output
A 28 years old male resident of miryalguda bommakal employee by occupation came to our hospital with complaints of weakness and decrease urine output on 19/6/2021 and diagnosed as AKI History Of present illness: patient was asymptomatic till april this year (2021) Patient has history of weight loss 10kgs since one and half month and decreased apetite and the history of generalised itching he visited global hospital where doctors told that he has renal failure Past illness: Decreased urinary output No pedal edema And he had shortness of breath Currently patient has no edema and no shortness of breath Personal history Normal apetite Mixed diet Bowel regular Micturition normal No known allergies Patient was occasionally alcoholic No habit of smoking Family history: No history of diabetes No history of cancer No history of hereditary diseases No history of heart diseases No history of TB General examination: patient is ...